The Third Awakening with Thomas Yeomans, PhD (full view, 45 min.)

Plenary Talk E: Sunday 9:00 am – 10:00 am

The Third Awakening with Thomas Yeomans (45 min.)

The process of spiritual awakening includes the shift from unconscious to conscious (first awakening), from personal consciousness to Self consciousness (second awakening), and now in the last years a third awakening from Self-consciousness to World Soul-consciousness, Sacred Planet, and Living Universe. This talk explores this emerging third awakening as a response to the global crises and changes we face as a species on earth.

Educational Objectives: Attendees will be able to:

  • Better understand the process of spiritual awakening.
  • Work more skillfully with this process in themselves and with others.
  • Apply the contributions of Psychosynthesis to planetary work.
  • Better evaluate their own choices in the light of this larger context.
  • Deepen their experience of the True Self.

Thomas Yeomans, PhD, is the Founder/Director of the Concord Institute in the USA and co-founder of the International School in St Petersburg, Russia. He has trained helping professionals in Psychosynthesis and Spiritual Psychology throughout North America and Europe for the last 45 years.

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