Workshop 401: Sunday 10:00 am – 11:30 pm
In 1972 Roberto Assagioli said to me, “The Real You knows all about it … will guide you.” I was thirty-one, a young woman filled with doubt and fear. I thought, “Are you sure?” My presentation will be based on my experience with Assagioli as it relates to Self-trust, inner wisdom, dark times, and purpose.
Educational Objectives: Attendees will be able to:
Have a deeper trust of the presence of the SELF in their personal lives and in their clinical work.
Have more skills in evoking the Self in their work with others.
Have more understanding of the Self over a lifetime, and how the journey of any person goes through periods of integration as well as periods of disintegration.
Learn ways to strengthen their clients’ connection to their own inner wisdom, and understand both what contributes to that and what takes away from it.
Be more aware of the power of present-centered work as it relates to The Self.
Anne Yeomans, MA, LMHC, psychotherapist & group facilitator for over 40 years, studied with the founder of Psychosynthesis, Roberto Assagioli. She has taught psychosynthesis, healing dialogue