The Psychosynthesis Video Portraits project represents a series of video taped interviews with respected psychosynthesis teachers who have worked with the psychosynthesis principles for decades.
Each interview documents the experience of these teachers, how psychosynthesis impacted their lives and how their understanding of major principles has changed over time. These interviews represent the richness and beauty of psychosynthesis and how it has evolved over time.
Interviews have been conducted with Martha Crampton, Betty Bosdell, Mark Horowitz, Didi Firman, Tom Yeomans, Piero Ferrucci, Ann Gila, Molly Brown, Anne Yeomans, Bob and Joann Anderson and John Parks. A bonus gift is an interview with John Firman and an interview with Assagioli by Evart Loomis. Each portrait interview took place over the course of one or two days in the person’s natural environment.